
I mostly code in Python; here’s some of the software I’ve developed:

  • pylingdocs: write data-rich linguistics documents. You can integrate data from CLDF datasets, and output to a variety of formats.
    • there’s a GUI, too
  • pyradigms: compose and decompose linguistic paradigms; basically pivot tables for linguistics.
  • lingtreemaps: plot data on linguistic trees and maps.
  • the unboxer: extract data from shoebox and toolbox projects to CLDF-ready CSV files.
  • cldflex: convert FLEx data to CLDF-ready CSV files.
  • pylacoan: simple fieldwork-oriented corpus annotation.
  • expex-acro: glossing abbreviations and useful linguistic markup commands for LaTeX
  • biblatex2bibtex: convert biblatex files to bibtex.
  • humidifier: create human-friendly IDs from strings.